Destiny Giving Online

Your giving helps Destiny continue to impact our community and share the love of Jesus

About Giving

What happens to the money we give?

God provides for the ministry of Destiny Christian Church through your tithes and offerings. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Destiny remains beyond reproach.

What is a tithe?

The Bible refers to your tithing as first-fruits giving. It is the covenant that believers make with God to bring the first 10% of our income to build God’s house. God’s promise is to provide, protect, bless and prosper us when we honor him with a tithe of all our increase.

General Offerings

What is an offering?

This is where generosity begins. There are two basic kinds of offerings. One is an instant, inspired and spontaneous gift and another is a planned and pre-arranged gift. At Destiny we have occasional opportunities for inspired and spontaneous giving while also encouraging everyone in the habit of planned giving. Our hope is for every individual to prayerfully determine the amount they give and enjoy the experience of generous, cheerful giving.

© 2024 Destiny Christian Church